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Pastor Reuben Sitati trains rural pastors how to be self-sufficient through the Webuye Pastors’ Training Institute. On less than one acre of ground, he sustains his ministry with a greenhouse, a dairy, an internet café, and a bio-gas generator. Plus, he grows rabbits, chickens, and goats. His students learn how to be effective in ministry and successful in business. He and his wife Petronila have trained dozens of pastors in Kenya, Rwanda, and South Sudan.
Reuben Sitati
Reuben Sitati is a graduate of Kenya Highlands Bible College and Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology. He trains rural pastors and community leaders in church leadership and self-sufficiency. On less than 1/2 acre of land, he models for his students how to be self-reliant, raising vegetables in a greenhouse, storing the produce with a solar food dryer, producing bio-gas from the manure, and raising dairy cows, rabbits, chickens, and goats. He also manages an internet cafe, which produces income for his training program. Reuben not only trains pastors in his native Kenya, but in South Sudan, Rwanda, and Uganda. His wife Petronila is a registered nurse and assists him on the “farm.”
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